Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mr. Briscoe's Visual Arts - 8/29

We have recently been talking about the relationships between the structural nature of line and the sense of depth and realism provided by the application of value.

Students are currently working on a drawing that focuses on the use of line to create simple forms. Forms are simply 3-D objects/people or the illusion of three dimensional objects/people created on a 2-D surface. Students are drawing forms with the appearance that they are moving back or receding in space. The forms; cylinders, cones, cubes and spheres, should change in size the "farther away" from the viewer. In other words, objects that are close are larger than objects farther away which are smaller.

Students are then asked to shade the forms according to a light source artbitrarily set in the foreground. Graded value and flat value are employed as the students cause they shade their line drawings. Outlines should recede into the shading leaving a more realistic image.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Briscoe Visual Arts - Review 8/24

Hello Class,
The last few days we have discussed line as a structural component to creating three dimensional imagery. We started with basic forms, practicing how to create quick drawings intended to inform greater detail. We discussed symmetry and proportion. We also began discussing visual measuring and how we can use our pencil (outstretched) to measure objects in order to create accurate proportions and angles on the surface of our page.

Before we on Friday we briefly discussed value. Value is the relationship between light and dark. We discussed both flat and graded value and how they are employed. Flat values are applied to flat surfaces where graded value is used for contours, areas where the surface of the object has curvature or shifts.

So far this semester I have seen a lot of talent. Keep it up!

-Mr. B