Friday, October 2, 2009

Mrs. Graves, Pottery I, 9/28-10/2

This week in Pottery I-
Group A is finishing up on the wheel. They spent the week throwing last minute pieces and trimming the rest. You are required to have one cylinder and one bowl for me to grade, trim them all and pick your best. You will fill out a self-assessment grade sheet on the pieces you want me to grade. Last day on the wheel is Thursday, on Friday you go back to your relief tile and carving to create at least 3 layers of gradual change in depth. Groups B, C, and D, you are working on joining your slab sides of your slab container. Score and slip a bunch and put a reinforcing coil on the inside seam, smooth into the corner to help the joint stay together. Once it is together begin the burnishing process, remember you want sharp, crisp corners and smooth sides. Group B you watch the wheel throwing demo on Friday and begin throwing on Monday!

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